Taeil Fest

A fic and art fest for NCT's
Moon Taeil
est. 2021
by Moondanse
Round 3: April 2023 to October 2023


The purpose of the fest is to create fanworks of any type that feature Taeil.It consists of:▸ Prompting: a period when prompts are sent in through a Google Form.
▸ Archive viewing: a period when an archive of all the prompts is open for the writers and artists to look and decide which ones they want to choose.
▸ Sign-ups, aka claiming and self-prompting: officially picking which prompt you want or signing up with an idea of your own.
▸ Check-ins: updating the mods on your progress and letting them know if you're still able to participate in the fest.
▸ Submissions: writers submitting through archiveofourown and artists submitting through DM or email.
▸ Postings: writers having their works anonymously posted & artists posting their works on the date assigned to them by the mods.
▸ Reveals: For the grand finale of the fest, we reveal who wrote what fanfic.
The fest holds one round and one challenge between the end of the round and the beginning of the next one.


What timezone does the fest run?
Will there be self-prompting?
▸ Yes! Self-prompting is available during the sign-up period. There is no reason to send in the prompts you want to write for the fest in the prompting form.
Do I have to submit during the submission period?
▸ You can submit as soon as you're done. And if you're not done by the time the submission period ends you can ask the mods for an extension.
There's no shame in needing a bit more time.
Can I claim more than one prompt?
▸ You can claim a second prompt once you finish and submit your first one.
Can my fic be longer than one chapter?
▸ Absolutely! And you're welcome to submit just the first chapter for the fest.
Does my work have to involve a ship?
▸ No. It only has to involve Taeil. If you want to create something but the prompts don't work with your idea you're more than welcome to self-prompt.
For any other questions, feel free to reach out through CuriousCat, Tumblr, Twitter DM or email. The links to where you can reach us are all below.


▸ Works must be Taeil-centric
▸ AO3 works should have a minimum word count of approximately 1000 words word count
▸ Writers must have an AO3 account & Artists must have a public Twitter account
▸ Triggers must be tagged appropriately
▸ Dub-con is allowed
▸ No non-con & no incest
▸ Please don't ghost the modsThe word count rule only stands for the official rounds and not for the challenges.

This fest doesn't allow Lucas as a character in any capacity in any of the works.
Thank you for understanding.